Substation Systems Supplier
Substation Systems

Open-air & Gas-insulated Substations (AIS & GIS)
Distribution networks
Transmission system
Communication facilities
Overhead and underground lines

33KV, 66KV, 110KV, 132KV, 220KV.
In projects where deadlines are often missed and budgets are overrun, NIEL has a proven record of ‘on time completion’ & consistently finishing within original budgets.
We have ‘never’ approached any of our customer for ANY overrun costs!!! ($ # show some of the leading currencies of the world.)
Our Success formula:
- Clear Scope Definition.
- Owning the Project
- Quality Management
- Open Communication
- Regular Reporting &
- A Win / win Approach
Our expertise extends to all types of substations, both air and gas insulated. Transmission and distribution substations and switch yards for electric utility and industrial installations from 2.3 kV to 765 kV.
Our in-depth experience includes
- Siting studies
- Physical design
- Grading and drainage
- Foundation design
- Layout and design of control buildings
- Structure design and analysis,
- Protection and control systems
- Preparation of complete specifications for material, equipment and construction.
We provide solutions that include analysis, design and specification of SCADA, microwave, fiber optic networks and PCS telecommunication systems.
Overhead and Underground Transmission Lines Complete project services for transmission lines in all voltage classes – in projects ranging from a few miles of line to entire systems.
We have the resources – in professional staff and technology – to apply to every challenge facing overhead or underground transmission.
Services include line routing, structure and foundation design and analysis, optimized structure spotting, lightning performance analysis, upgrading evaluation and design, and preparation of material and construction specifications.
We bring in-depth knowledge of transmission and substation components to forensic engineering assignments. We have analyzed failures of tall types of structures and developed recommendations for design modifications.
In support of project owners or investors worldwide, we serve as the technical support for preparing turnkey specifications, performing due diligence reviews, evaluation proposals, and reviewing designs, procurement documents, and contracts.
We develop procedures and recommendations for the cost-effective inspection and maintenance of power delivery facilities, incorporating reliability-centered maintenance concepts.
Our extensive project experience and database of costs for all types of transmission lines and substations provides the depth of information necessary to establish the value of existing power delivery assets.
Provides support worldwide to clients for the restructuring and/or privatization of government-owned transmission and distribution systems.